COVID-19 has been with us for over a year now, and in spite of promising new vaccines, it still doesn't appear that it will fade away anytime soon.
Stringent isolation protocols are still in effect in most jurisdictions and while that, along with wearing face masks, has had some impact, the numbers are still too high according to some government health agencies.
And the effects to society are really starting to show.
Even the most amiable of folks are starting to become irritable, resenting that they can't go anywhere beyond their immediate surroundings (government members apparently excluded). Even worse are the sacrifices these same folks are making by not visiting friends and family.
So what do we do? Do we continue down this isolationist road? Businesses, including mine, have taken a huge hit. Will we continue to survive? At this rate, some of us will be presented with two choices: close up shop, or open up on the sly hoping we don't get caught.
Or there might be a third way:
Target and isolate the most vulnerable to ensure their safety and open up the rest of society.
This was an idea proposed by Emergency Expert Lt. Colonel David Redman (
Is this controversial? Is it THE answer?
Society is ill right now, not only with just COVID, but also with the effects of constantly being at home and away from other people.
What do the numbers need to look like before we are given the "all clear" by government? Will we ever be totally rid of this pestilence?
So what is the answer? Should we isolate the few most at risk and open up society once again, accepting COVID as a part of life like we do the flu or the cold? Or do we stay the course for however long?
Something has to change.
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