Thursday, 28 November 2019

Breaking the Champagne Bottle

My inaugural post.

Didn't think I'd ever get this blog going, but miracles apparently do happen.

For this blog, my thoughts are literally just that, my thoughts.  You can agree, disagree, or meet me somewhere in between and it's all good provided all invective is left at home.  Any cursing, taking the Lord's name in vain, or overall intolerable speech will be deleted.  Keep it respectful and we can debate, chat, and have a great old time!

So more about me.  I love coffee...obviously.  Older country music from the 70's to the 90's is on my playlist and as well as anything Mozart, Beethoven, and Bach.  And I'm "anti-stupid" so I can almost guarantee I'll be commenting on politics, locally and abroad.

Enough for now.  Feel free to leave a comment...or not!


  1. I do believe we must agree to disagree when it comes to I'd like to know how you are feeling on the position both Kenny and Scheer seem to find themselves in these days.

  2. Hello Unknown.

    I hope Scheer holds Trudeau's feet to the fire especially after all the broken promises.

    Scheer could use more fight and I think his lack of it helped him lose the election.

    I'm unhappy with Kenney's cuts but I blame Notley. It was stupid of her to increase our provincial debt forcing these cuts. $2B in interest payments alone this year. Money wasted. It should be against the law to run a deficit except in times of war or catastrophe.
