The times of freely consorting with your fellow human being seems so far in the past now. Gone are the days, for many of us, of dropping in on family and friends without the special accommodation of wearing a mask and keeping about six feet apart.
The shadow of COVID-19 is now a part of life.
Governments have, in varying degrees, tried to cope with this menace. In addition to social distancing and masks, many businesses have either voluntarily or been mandated to restrict access to their premises. And in some cases, the result has not been a pretty one. Small businesses, large businesses, and even iconic businesses who we all thought would be around forever have shuttered their doors for good.
Locally, it was August 1st, 2020 when the government decided to make masks and social distancing mandatory in public spaces. A bit inconvenient perhaps but for the greater good. And this seemed fine to many provided we could stamp this pestilence into a manageable part of our lives.
But what has happened? As of this date, October 23, there are still over 3500 active cases with 427 new cases reported. And there will be more to come.
How can this be?
Even with the minority failing to adhere to any regulation, it was thought the masks and social distancing would help. Yet the numbers seem to suggest that very little has changed pre-mask to present day. Are these two measures actually doing any good?
Don't get me wrong. I have no problem with the government-imposed regulations (in this case!) and I am happy to follow them provided they really do make a difference. But are they? Are we going about this the wrong way and if so, what is the right way?
We have turned our economy on its head with record unemployment; we have also accepted self-isolation as our new religion. There is depression, loneliness and even hopelessness.
If we have to do these unpleasant things to our society, at least let the measures taken show that they are making a difference.
Because right now, the numbers don't bear this out.